If you have a stroke, an area of your brain can basically die, which is why it’s not too surprising that stroke is one of the leading causes of death and disability in the world. In fact about 17 million people suffer from a significant stroke every year! And about 5 million of them experience long term disability.
Research has shown that chiropractic care might help stroke victims
Muscle Weakness
One of the most common disabilities after a stroke is muscle weakness, often on one side of the body. Over the past 20 years scientists have been showing that chiropractic care doesn’t just have an impact on how your back works, it can actually change the way your brain works and how it controls your body, including movement and strength.
So, if someone you know has suffered from a stroke, let them know that chiropractic care may really help to improve their brain / body communication and to get them moving again!
Video Transcript
In case you’re not sure what a stroke is, it’s something that causes a problem with the blood supply to the brain. This could be because of a blockage in an artery in the brain or a bleed in the brain itself. We all know how important our brain is, and without blood it just doesn’t work. This means that if you have a stroke, an area of your brain can basically die, which is why it’s not too surprising that stroke is one of the leading causes of death and disability in the world.1 In fact about 17 million people around the world suffer from a significant stroke every year! And about 5 million of them experience long term disability.2
Having a stroke can be devastating. Not just for the person who has had the stroke, but also for their family, friends, and caregivers.
One of the most common disabilities after a stroke is muscle weakness, often on 1 side of the body. This may mean that after a stroke, a person has trouble using their arm or hand, or they may struggle to stand or walk.3 Living with muscle weakness can be really hard and have a big impact on a person’s ability to look after themselves or work.
There are lots of rehabilitative approaches that may help people who have had a stroke from physiotherapy through to robot assisted therapies.4-6 But doctors and scientists are constantly looking for new approaches to help stroke survivors.3 One possible intervention that might help, that most people wouldn’t think of, is chiropractic care.
Over the past 20 years scientists have been showing that chiropractic care doesn’t just have an impact on how your back works, it can actually change the way your brain works and how it controls your body, including movement and strength. 7-16 A number of recent studies have shown that a single session of chiropractic care can have an immediate increase in strength.17-20 In one of these studies the researchers found a 16% increase in strength of leg muscles in a group of students after a session of chiropractic care.17 Another study reported an 8% increase in strength in elite athletes after they were adjusted by a chiropractor,19 and 1 more study found an 11% increase in jaw strength in a group of healthy people after chiropractic adjustments.18
What’s really interesting though is another recent study that looked at changes in strength in weak leg muscles after chiropractic care in people who had suffered from a stroke.20 In this study, a team of scientists from around the world measured the strength of weak leg muscles in chronic stroke patients before and after a single session of chiropractic care or a sham control session. They also used electrical stimulations of nerves in their legs which could help them to work out whether any changes in strength came from their brain or something that was happening in their spinal cord.
When they analysed the data from their study they found an average improvement in strength of almost 65% in the affected leg of these stroke patients. They were blown away by this finding because 65% is a huge difference! They also found that these strength changes were due to changes in the way their brain was communicating with these weak muscles as opposed to changes in their spinal cord. These results are really exciting, but you do need to remember that the scientists only looked at immediate changes after chiropractic care, so they don’t yet know how long the changes last for. That’s why they’re now doing another study to look at how longer-term chiropractic care impacts muscle function in stroke patients.
However, these initial ground-breaking findings are really important and may mean that chiropractic care can help people who have had a stroke to improve their strength and ability to walk and move. So, if someone you know has suffered from a stroke, let them know that chiropractic care may really help to improve their brain / body communication and to get them moving again!
Video References
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